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A Touch Of Grey Page 7

  “Go, Sam, go catch a couple hours of sleep. We’ll be riding out to the Flying Herons clubhouse after church, so get as much sleep as you can because tomorrow is going to be a very long day.”

  Jagger didn’t stay outside long after Sam went in. Letting Radar have one last run outside he locked up and went to bed.

  He needed an early night because like he had said to Sam, tomorrow was going to be a very long day.

  A weight he hadn’t realised he was carrying had disappeared the minute he ended things with the damned bitchy woman.

  He wouldn’t be making that mistake ever again.

  No more relationship bullshit for him, he would be taking a leaf out of Sin’s playbook if he needed to get an itch scratched. One and done was the way forward.

  With that thought he closed his eyes, sighed happily and fell asleep.

  He didn’t give Celeste Brent another thought because he was done with her. He should have. Because she wasn’t as done with him as he was with her.


  Anger burned through her at the arrogance of the filthy biker she’s had to pretend to enjoy for longer than she could stomach.

  He was going to regret every single word he had said to her.

  She would get even when he least expected it.

  And oh how sweet would be her revenge when he realised he was the one who had been played for a fool.

  Unfortunately she hadn’t been able to gain access to his phone; the damned thing was locked up tighter than a bank vault. She had, however, a perfect opportunity to get into the Iron Dogz MC’s compound. Some of their mutts needed their vaccinations updated and it was the ideal opportunity for her to get inside and take some photos. The money she had been promised for those photos would pay for a new start somewhere far away from filthy animals and arrogant bikers.

  All she had to do was get inside the main building, or what they called their clubhouse.

  God, she could just imagine how filthy it was in there but she would get through it for the money.

  For the money and the opportunity to screw the bikers over, like she was sure he was going to do to her. He was going to call Lynn and run his mouth, she just knew it, but before he did she had to get those photos.

  No matter what she had to do, she would get them and get her money.

  And then she would be free.

  Free of the daily slog taking care of filthy animals and pandering to their owner’s whims. She hated being a veterinarian, she should have chosen some other medical profession but there hadn’t been many options. A doctor was out of the question, she hated being around sick people and their complaints, so she became a vet.

  She hated people, animals, small children…actually she hated everything that disrupted the perfect life she was owed.

  And soon she would have that life. The life she was owed. A perfect life.



  No one voted against their president’s motion to patch the Flying Herons MC over after seeing the proof of what awaited the poor bastards if they weren’t part of the Iron Dogz MC.

  “Boss, will we be shutting their clubhouse down or are we going to keep it?” Spook asked with a slightly confused frown.

  “We’ve been discussing it at the officers meeting and we thought we’d bring it to the table to get some more opinions on the matter.” Hawk explained quietly. “I’ve had a couple of conversations with the acting President of the Herons and they want to patch over but are torn about abandoning the club their Prez and VP had died for. I totally get it, two of their brothers gave their blood to protect what was theirs and, like them, I feel their sacrifice should be honoured. If we move them here and abandon their property the fucking Vipers will be moving in the minute the last bike leaves the gate. And that would mean we have Vipers right in our back door.”

  Silence hung in the room after Hawk finished explaining.

  Ice tapped the table and after a quick glance at Hawk explained his stance. “If we keep their property we’re going to have to have brothers there to ensure the Hell’s Vipers know we mean business. It’s going to spread us thinner than we already are. I agree with our Prez that the Vipers will move in the minute we leave it unprotected, but what if we didn’t?” He looked around the table and then directly at Jagger and he knew exactly what was coming because they’ve talked the subject to death already.

  “The reason the Vipers are after the property is the location. It backs onto the Rietvlei Nature Reserve and at the front you have the R21, a perfect location for the Vipers to set up a drug manufacturing and distribution centre. They will dump the chemicals and destroy the fragile ecosystem the Herons have been protecting for years. What if we do the same on their property as we’ve done on ours? With one difference, we open it to visitors. We can approach the Reserve and tell them our plan and turn it into an eco-tourism facility attached to the Reserve where visitors will have access to game drives, hikes and whatever else is needed to sell it as an eco-getaway experience.”

  “You do realise it will be a security nightmare, right?’ Ziggy threw in.

  “Indeed I do, but we have a secret weapon no one else has, we have Jagger who, if given free reign, would turn our property into fucking Alcatraz.” Ice had no idea how very close to the truth he was.

  If he had his way high walls instead of fences would be going up with cameras and guard towers to keep his family safe.

  “It’s going to cost a lot of money to develop an eco-resort, Ice. Are we ready to invest that heavily on a risky venture?” Rider asked, his accountant’s brain working overtime.

  “Yes, it will be costly and it will cut into our reserves, but it will be a good investment for us and for the Herons in the long run. Their late president’s old lady refuses to move out of her house on the property and the only way to keep her safe is to either keep the clubhouse going or turn the property into an eco-resort. The Vipers wouldn’t dare set foot on it with all the attention it would get from the press and the locals.” Ice said as he sat back and waited.

  He didn’t have to wait long for a reaction.

  “I think the right thing to do is to firstly ensure her safety and then go ahead with the eco-tourism thing. Boots and I have a very similar idea we want to bring to the table for our own property. If we develop the Herons property first and then ours we will have two new income streams. Clean, with no ties to any of our less than legal business. Hell, for all we know we’ll be opening up an entirely new way of earning for some of our other chapters as well. Just off the top of my head I know the Rustenburg chapter will jump at it and so will the Nelspruit and Richard’s Bay chapters. We have to go with Ice’s plan brothers, because it’s the best way to deal with a shitty situation.” Spook finished very quietly.

  Jagger looked at Ice and the glint in his eyes and tiny little quirk of his lips let him know his brother had spoken to Spook before church. Sneaky bastard.

  “I agree with Ice and Spook, it’s the best option we have on the table.” Boots threw in his five cents worth.

  Hawk turned to him and Jagger knew he was up. Until right this moment he hadn’t yet made up his mind about the venture but now he could see the benefits for them as well as the Herons.

  “If we go ahead with this we’re going to need a contractor because I won’t be able to handle it all. I’m stretched thin as it is and adding another development to my already full workload will bloody well kill me. I want to walk their property before I make a final decision though. If the property is suitable then I’m all for it, there’s money to be made in eco-tourism. People are becoming more aware of the damage done to the eco-system and are moving towards more sustainable ways of living, and that includes where they go for their holidays.”

  Hawk nodded then looked around the room drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Then it’s decided, we’ll wait for Jagger’s report on the suitability of the property before we have a final vote. I want to state right here that I want tho
se brothers patched in, we need the manpower regardless of whether we keep their property or not. That is why we’re riding out right after church to raise our flag over their compound. We need to make it clear they have our protection even if they’re not wearing our patch. Discuss it among yourselves, and I’m sure I don’t have to caution you not to do it where you could be overheard. We need to play this one close to the vest, brothers.”

  He didn’t smile at all as he picked up the hammer.

  “Those of you who aren’t riding out with me get out of here, keep your eyes open and be safe out there. Try not to ride alone for the next few weeks until the Hell’s Vipers problem has been sorted out.”

  With that he brought the hammer down and ended church.

  Rumbles erupted as the men immediately started talking about the possibility of a new venture and what it would mean for all of them. Some had a look in their eye that Jagger recognised, the anticipation of starting a new venture. He knew he would have men in his office as soon as they voted to go ahead with the development. And they haven’t even spoken to the Flying Herons yet.

  He felt sure they were going to be advocating hard for turning their property into an eco-tourism destination.

  And maybe they could do a similar memorial for their fallen the way Scar had done for his and Chris’s lost little boy.

  He was about to leave when his Prez called his name. “Jagger, hang on a minute before you leave.”

  Jagger sat back down. “What can I do for you, Prez?”

  “Is there a reason why the vet would be calling me about the vaccinations of our guard dogs and not you? I thought they were your responsibility plus you’re the one banging the bitch.” Hawk looked more than a little pissed off.

  Dropping his head Jagger slowly shook it from side to side and sighed before he looked up. “I ended it with the bitch, Boss. She’s controlling as hell and a shit vet, if I didn’t have an agreement with Doc Lynn she wouldn’t be setting foot on our property. I don’t trust her around our dogs or around us, not at all.”

  His prez sat silently for a minute or so before he nodded as if coming to a decision.

  “We’ll allow her to come in and vaccinate the animals.” He pointed at Jagger. “But, I want her watched every single second she’s on our property. No phone, no assistants and she will have two brothers on her at all times, not prospects. She’s not allowed in the clubhouse, only the kennels. When she arrives her vehicle stays outside the gates, she’s picked up by one of ours and taken to the kennels where she will do her job and once done immediately leave. No stops, for whatever reason. She wants to piss she can fucking hold it until she’s out of here.” He frowned heavily at Jagger. “And you call or email the doc and give her a heads up that we’ll be changing vets if she keeps this bitch on staff. Not going to tippy-toe around this one, brother. Been burned before by waiting to see if they are as bad as we think they are, not anymore. We take every precaution possible to safeguard us and our animals while she’s on our property and after she’s gone. And double check the vaccines before she gives them to the dogs. I don’t want her injecting them with some shit that will make them sick and give her another opportunity to get behind our walls.”

  Anyone who didn’t know Hawk’s history would have thought that he was being paranoid but he wasn’t, he was being realistic. They had been tricked before and if they could prevent it, it wouldn’t be happening ever again. Not now that they were so very aware of exactly what to look out for.

  “I got you, Boss. I’ve already sent an email to Doc Lynn to explain why we don’t want Celeste Brent treating our animals. If I don’t hear from her by tonight I’ll be calling her, holiday or not.” Jagger assured his President.

  “Good. I want you riding out with us today. It’s the ideal opportunity to check out their property and not let curious eyes know exactly what you’re doing. According to their acting prez they are being watched.”

  In his head Jagger made a couple of changes to his schedule and nodded. “I’ll be there, Prez. I just need to make sure I leave Radar with someone he trusts. If Crash wasn’t going it would have been him but…”

  His prez held a hand up and he stopped talking.

  “Take a cage and bring your dog. He’s the perfect reason to take a walk because he needs to lift his leg against a tree or shit on the grass or something. While you inspect the property I’ll be laying out our plan to the club. If they are as committed to saving the environment as you are we shouldn’t have any problems.”

  “Okay, Prez, I’ll get my day reorganised and meet you outside in a few.” Jagger said as he stood and quickly walked out to get things sorted so he could leave.

  Half an hour later he followed the column of riders down the road with Radar strapped into the harness on the back seat and Crash lounging in the passenger seat.

  “I’m damned glad I bought the double cab instead of the single like I was going to do.” He said as he glanced at Crash.

  “See, I told you. You’re going to need the space of a car sometimes. Imagine us and Radar trying to squeeze into the front of a single cab, not only wouldn’t we fit, it would be illegal. Now look at us, travelling in style.” Crash teased as he made himself comfortable after a glance over his shoulder to check on Radar.

  “Smart ass.” He grinned at Crash who lifted an eyebrow and winked.

  An hour later he turned off the main road and drove down a long dirt road, following the bikes. Jagger looked around with interest as he fell back to avoid the dust kicked up by the bikes. The property had not been farmed and therefore had a lot of natural bush and grass. There were some invaders between the indigenous trees but it was possible to get rid of them. The land rose and fell and when they came over the top of the last hill Jagger already knew it would be the perfect place to develop a lodge and an eco-tourist destination.

  The clubhouse was built on a slight incline above a large dam. The dam had tall reeds growing around the edges but the part of the dam facing the clubhouse had no reeds. Grass sloped down towards the water and ended in a wide strip of sand. A wooden walk way jutted out into the dam and ended in a large covered deck. It was obviously where the club had spent their down time in better days.

  Behind the clubhouse a hill continued up in a gentle slope before it ended at the bottom of a steep cliff. The cliff face wasn’t very high, only about 10 to 15 meters but it looked like it could be a fairly challenging climb. The view over the club’s property and the nature reserve must be spectacular from the top. A lookout up there might be a good idea.

  There were two houses tucked away into the trees behind the clubhouse and Jagger pointed to them. “That must be their prez and officers housing, from here it looks easy to convert into a manager’s accommodation and staff housing. The clubhouse isn’t that big and we’ll have to knock some of it down but I can see a main lodge with the usual amenities over there and then chalets scattered about in the trees for guest accommodation. We can offer bird watching, hiking trails, rock climbing and horse riding and if I find a good spot we put in a pool so we don’t have guests jumping in the dam and scaring off the birds.”

  Crash started laughing and Jagger shook his head with a wry grin. “I know, I’m running off at the mouth and we haven’t even put a foot on the ground.”

  Pulling up in front of the clubhouse he turned to his brother and warned him. “You don’t say a word of what I just said. Let me investigate before we get anyone’s hopes up. It might look good from here but I need to walk around and get a feel for it.”

  With that he got out, opened the back door and unclipped Radar. The dog was raring to go and his plume of a tail waved excitedly. Clipping the lead onto his collar he helped him down so he wouldn’t jar his leg. The cast would be coming off soon and he didn’t want to set his healing back by doing something stupid like letting him jump from a height.

  Crash followed as he started exploring, going to the dam first. He was pleasantly surprised to find the water crystal c
lear and the reeds filled with bird life. He and Crash leant on the railing soaking in the peace and watching the birds flitting about the reeds and the small fish darting about in the clear water.

  Two big grey birds glided in over the reeds and settled on the sandy bank. They watched as they waded into the water and started pecking at unseen prey. It was damned idyllic, almost as if it had been scripted in a movie.

  “Those are Grey Herons, the club took their name from them, the Flying Herons MC.” A quiet voice spoke up behind them and Jagger and Crash both jerked around. They hadn’t heard her approach and Radar hadn’t budged from where he lay on the edge of the deck staring down into the water. The big furball most probably thought he could snatch a fish if only they would come close enough.

  “Sorry I startled you, I’m Frieda Malan, the prez was my husband and old man.” She continued as she leant on the railing next to him.

  “We’re so sorry for your loss, I’m Jagger and the furball is Radar.” He left it up to Crash to introduce himself.

  “So very sorry to meet you under these circumstances, I’m Crash.” His brother pointed at the big birds. “I never realised how big they actually are.”

  Frieda gave a little nod and smiled. “When I first brought my man home to meet my parents, he couldn’t believe that I would leave all this to live in a cramped little flat in the city. Those days there was only a short jetty out over the water and the house where I now live was the only one here. When my parents reached retirement age they moved to their holiday home in Sedgefield and signed the property over to me. I moved back and my man came with me. The club came into being a little bit later.”

  “You are very lucky to have such a beautiful place to call home.” Jagger said softly because the Herons were wading closer to them now.

  “I am. We raised our three kids here and started the club here as well. Our son is the Sergeant At Arms and our two daughters are married to two of the members. The club, this property, it’s all I have left.” She snorted a laugh. “If my daughter was here right now she would give me a kick up the ass. It’s not all I have left but all my good memories are tied up in this place. I’m not giving it up to a bunch of filthy murderers and drug dealers. Not happening. They will have to kill me to get me off my land.” Her voice almost cracked with the underlying sorrow but she powered through. “And you can take that to your president.”