Neither Black Nor White (Iron Dogz MC, #6) Read online

Page 11

  There was only one other way to play this and stand a chance to come out of it still breathing. I had to approach the Iron Dogz, lay my cards on the table and hope for the best. Chances were high they would make me disappear the minute I approached them because of who my sperm donor was. And because of who I used to be before I was locked up.

  Unless. Unless I could get another club to vouch for me. A club that were known allies of the Iron Dogz. A club like the Sinners Sons.

  Would War vouch for me?

  Not if he found out we’ve been sneaking through his damned tunnel. He would rather kill me himself before vouching for me.

  I had to give the problem some more thought. There had to be a way we could do this that wouldn’t end up in death all around.

  But first I had to get Tershie to the specialist. Nothing was as important right now. Everything else would have to wait. Stef had been with her since he arrived and he had assured me she was stable and would be ready to move later.

  And hadn’t that man been a huge surprise.

  He walked into the building like he had been living here for years. He was big, beautiful, friendly and so not gay. I realised it within minutes of him walking through the door. The way he had eyed Mads up and down spoke volumes. But that’s all he did, he looked her over then shut it down, completely. He became absolutely professional and after the introductions had been made asked to be taken to his patient.

  And that’s where he has been ever since.

  I had tried to get Star to give me the background on her cousin but she refused. She said he would tell me himself when he felt more comfortable around us. The little bitch gave me the bare minimum in his file with a little note that Stef would add to the file at a later date.

  I let it go, for now.

  Stef had brought a lot of equipment with him and after a short discussion we agreed to set aside one of the rooms to be turned into a surgery for him. I had watched him as he moved around and set up the things he had brought with him. He was a puzzle I would work on later. When I had time.

  As the hours slowly ticked by I kept myself busy with a few upcoming jobs that required careful planning before we could do what we did best. Infiltrate.

  All afternoon bikes had been streaming into the compound next door and the deep throated roar had become the theme of the day.

  As the hours ticked by the noise of the party next door became louder and louder. Louder than it has ever been in the years we’ve been living next door to them. I wondered why.

  By five I was ready to throw a brick over the wall, not that it would have shut the loud bloody bikers up. Their party was going to be epic by the sounds of it.

  And that suited me just fine, so there would be no bricks flying their way.

  They would be so busy partying they hopefully missed the tiny blip in their camera system when Star hacked it.

  We were all keeping our fingers, and all other body parts that could be crossed, crossed.

  And praying, definitely praying.

  To every single god out there who might be listening.

  I was hoping they were all listening because we needed them tonight.



  He wasn’t a man who suffered from nerves but right now it was chewing up his gut. He rode next to Dagger as they took the last turn before riding down the long road towards the compound of the Cape Town Chapter of the Sinners Sons MC. Where the man who was his father was the president.

  War hadn’t lied. The minute the DNA test confirmed he was War’s son his old lady had been calling him constantly to check in and chat. She told him she was excited about him coming home with War and Rock for a family dinner because she had so much to ask him and to tell him. After the family dinner the men would be going back to the clubhouse for the inevitable club party. He wasn’t one for club parties and would be ducking out early if at all possible.

  And then it was too late to think about all the shit that was going to happen while they were in Cape Town. They rode through the gates and were directed to a parking spot that had obviously been reserved for them. There were some very curious looks when their kuttes were noted, but they had been prepared for it. Last night at their last overnight stop Kid, Spider, Scar, Dizzy and Buzz had sat down and had a chat about what they could expect when they reached Cape Town. War had warned him that several of their chapters would be there for an official sitdown. During which he would introduce Kid as his son. Spider thought they should be prepared for a lot of Sinners from other chapters to be at the club, not just the presidents.

  And by the amount of bikes in the forecourt he had been correct. There were bikes with plates from across the country. It seemed that War had called for a sitdown with all their chapters, not just those in the Western Cape.

  The five of them had an agreement to stick together and to not get separated. No pussy for anyone. Not that Scar, Dizzy or Kid would indulge but Spider and Buzz were another matter altogether. Those two haven’t yet met a pussy they didn’t like to get close and personal with. But this weekend there would be no time for that shit. They were in another club’s territory and would behave accordingly while watching each other’s backs.

  He spotted War and a man who he now knew was his half-brother coming their way as soon as they rolled their bikes back and let their back wheels rest against the concrete stop, and shut off their engines. Kicking the stand down he swung his leg over the bike and stretched his aching muscles before pulling off his gloves. He was wearing a full face helmet like he always did on a long run and flipped the visor up to pull off his sunglasses. Slowly unfastening the straps he pulled the helmet off and hung it on his handlebars then slipped his sunglasses back on and lastly pulled his club buff down to hang around his neck. Standing next to Jinx he watched the approaching men and he could hear the mutters of the Sinners standing around the forecourt. They were not pleased to see Iron Dogz in their territory. Not pleased at all.

  He couldn’t give a fuck about how they felt, right now it was all about him and the man walking towards him.

  War Knight and his son were the same height and he was about the same. Maybe an inch taller, if that. For the rest, he could have been the man’s twin if they had been the same age. Same long legs and narrow hips and waist that tapered up into a wide chest and broad shoulders. War and Rock wore their hair long while he kept his short. They both had beards where Kid hated having a beard. The longest his ever got was the scruff he was now sporting after days on the road.

  If he thought War would greet Dagger first he was mistaken.

  The man came right to him, placed a hand on his cheek, stared in his eyes before he pulled him into his arms and hugged him so fucking tight. Kid found it hard to swallow around the sudden lump in his throat.

  “Son, so fucking glad to have you here at last.” War said softly before he patted his back hard and let him go to greet Dagger and Jinx exactly the same way.

  He had hardly stepped away when Rock stepped into his space with a tiny smile. “Brother, welcome home. A quick warning, be prepared for shit to go down when we go home for dinner. Keeley brought some motherfucker home to introduce to the family. Dad is doing his nut and I expect you as the eldest to sort the boyfriend bullshit. Right?” He hugged Kid, slapped his back hard then stepped away with a grin to greet Dagger, Jinx and the rest of the Sinners that rode down with them.

  Spider, Scar, Dizzy and Buzz crowded around him and they silently took in the men staring at them with varying expressions. None of them gave an inch as they stared right back.

  “Welcome to the danger zone.” Spider declared in a sing-song voice.

  “Come on, let’s get inside and have a beer while I introduce you to some of my boys.” War said as he fastened his big hand over Kid’s shoulder and led them into the clubhouse.

  “What about our stuff? Are we staying here or should we just pull into our own club for the weekend?” Kid asked and didn’t move an inch from the spot next
to his bike.

  “What the fuck? You’re staying here of course, why wouldn’t you?” Rock growled and shouted at two prospects staring at them with big eyes.

  “Prospects! Get over here you cocksnots! Take our visitors’ shit to the rooms they’ve been allocated. See to it before I kick your asses.”

  Spider spluttered and then laughter burst out all around them. Kid smiled and shook his head.

  As threats went it wasn’t bad. Kid had heard worse, way worse, in his time.

  With War leading the way they walked inside and Kid and his brothers checked over the inside of the club. It was set up much like any other club they had been to. A bar on one side, the pool tables and dart boards on the other, a huge damned tv hung on a wall and couches, tables and chairs scattered through the rest of the space. The usual stuff you would find in a biker club, along with the typical club sluts circulating through the men sitting and standing around. Kid didn’t give them another look or thought. He was focussed on War and Rock, and only them.

  At the bar War called for beers and soon they had ice cold beverages in their hands and were wetting their dry throats. Somehow Kid had ended up standing between War and Rock and he turned to Rock when he nudged an elbow into his ribs.

  “If there’s a girl in here you want for later, let me know and I’ll organise it for you.” He said quietly.

  Kid shook his head. “Not necessary, brother. I don’t fuck club sluts or hangarounds or the party girls. I’ve seen enough of their bullshit to last me a lifetime, and I’m not putting my dick in a hole a brother has been in, no offence.”

  He hadn’t even attempted to keep his voice down and several of the men around them burst out laughing and one even held out a hand and shook his.

  “Totally agree with you, brother. I’m Wheels, good to meet you.”

  “Kid, and same here, good to meet you.”

  Beside him Rock pulled a face and shook his head as if he had tasted something horrible.

  “What?” Kid asked.

  “Can’t tell you now, will when we go for dinner. It’s seriously fucked though.” He grumbled.

  All Kid could do was shrug and drink his beer which was going down really well. The prospect was about to bring them a second round when War vetoed it.

  “No more drinking. We have to ride home and I’m not spending the weekend inside on a drinking and driving, or in our case riding, charge.”

  Slapping his big hand on the bar for attention and helped by Wheels whistling loudly silence descended over the room.

  “I’m taking my visitors home to dinner. We’ll be back afterwards to party with you motherfuckers. Don’t fuck up my house while I’m gone.”

  And with that they left the club and rode to War’s home, in the fucking suburbs of all places. His house sat against the slopes of Table Mountain overlooking the city and the ocean. The side of the house facing the street was a blank cement block with a heavy steel street door and an obviously reinforced double garage door. By the height of the building he estimated the house had to be about three or four levels, easily. It told him that money wasn’t a problem.

  There was a fancy sporty Mercedes parked in the visitors parking in front of the house. War glared at it before the garage doors went up and they pulled in and parked. The garage was massive and took up most of the ground floor of the house. The doors slid closed behind them and a heavy security door on the right opened shortly after, revealing wide concrete stairs leading up into the house.

  A young woman who looked like a mix of her father and mother came rushing down the stairs and into the garage. She ran to War who picked her up and hugged her tight while swinging her around.

  “Hey, baby girl. It’s damned good to see you, I hate talking to you on videochat. You’ve been too scarce lately.”

  “Hi, Daddy. I’ve been busy. It’s good to see you too and promise me you’re going to behave tonight. I don’t want you to scare him off, okay? I actually like this one.”

  War held her away from him and grinned. “You liked all the others as well.”

  She rolled her eyes at him as he put her down. “Just promise me you’ll behave.”

  “Fine, I’ll behave but if he’s a pussy I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my mouth shut.”

  “Dad! He’s not a pussy. He’s a nice guy from a good family. Just give him a chance, okay?”

  War shrugged and Kid glanced at Rock who rolled his eyes and shook his head. Obviously he didn’t trust his sister’s choice in men.

  And then she was standing in front of him and looking him up and down with an arrogant tilt to her head. “So, you’re the so-called new brother.”

  The frowns on War and Rock’s faces clued him in that they hadn’t expected this from her. Neither had Kid because they had told him she was a sweet girl and would welcome him into the family. Obviously not. Instead it appeared that she was an arrogant, spoilt bitch.

  “I am. Do you have a problem with me?” Kid kept his voice cold and level as he stared down at the entitled little princess of the Sinners Sons MC.

  She sniffed. “My boyfriend told me all about the Iron Dogz and I’m not pleased that my dad brought you into our home. Your MC is dirty and it will bring attention to my dad’s club. I doubt we’re related at all. My boyfriend warned me that it’s just a trick to get you inside his club for some nefarious purposes.”

  Before Kid could answer War did.

  “Keeley! What the fuck is the matter with you? Back the fuck off and learn the true facts before you start running your mouth, little girl. This boyfriend of yours has no idea what he’s fucking talking about.” War snarled obviously shocked by his daughter’s outburst.

  Every hair on Kid’s body stood upright as he turned away from her and looked at his brothers. Spider gave him an almost unnoticeable chin lift. He turned back to the arrogant tart in front of him. When he spoke it wasn’t to her.

  “Spider, Buzz, it’s open season.” They both knew exactly what that meant, he didn’t have to explain. They would be digging deep into the princess and her boyfriend and so would Ziggy. They would be recording every fucking thing tonight.

  “This fucking boyfriend of yours had better explain himself and pretty damned quick.” War growled as he pushed past his daughter and stalked into the house.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Keeley? It takes only one look to see he’s dad’s son plus DNA doesn’t lie. Are you jealous that you might lose some of his attention? Is that what crawled up your ass?” Rock snarled.

  She looked flustered for a minute then the attitude and arrogance was back. “He showed me evidence to the contrary and photos don’t lie.”

  Spider stepped up and bent over to stare right into her eyes. His voice was cold and filled with disgust. “Oh but they do, princess. Photos can be manipulated to show whatever the fuck you want. I wonder how happy your daddy is going to be when he realises his little baby girl is playing on the dirty side of the street and fucking the enemy.”

  She sniffed angrily, whirled around and left without replying.

  Rock stood there fuming and breathing deep to control his anger. “She’s full of shit. My parents spoil her and she’s never been challenged a day in her life. She’s been pushing my dad to retire for months now and we still don’t know why but I’m starting to think we’ll be seeing the reason sitting on our fucking deck. This boyfriend shit is going to blow up big time. Let’s get inside and watch dad take the fucker apart.”

  They followed Rock up the stairs to the first floor of the house and walked through a very tastefully decorated large lounge and out onto a huge deck that overlooked the city. Kid’s eyes went straight to the gorgeous dark haired woman at War’s side, Marcia, his old lady. The minute he stepped through the slider she came over and hugged him and then Rock.

  “Welcome home, Nathan.” She said softly as she brushed a hand over his scruffy cheek.

  “Thank you. These are my brothers, Spider, Scar, Buzz and Dizzy.” Kid gr
uffly introduced them.

  “Boys, welcome in our home. Can I get you guys a beer?”

  Rock interrupted. “Mum, sit down, I’ll sort everyone out. But first we want to meet the new boyfriend.” He gently moved his mother out of the way and walked over to the long table where a man who was quite a few years older than his half-sister sat staring arrogantly up at War.

  “The fucker has no respect.” Buzz muttered. “Sitting while you’re introduced to your girl’s father is not the way to gain his approval.”

  “That man is not who I would have chosen for my daughter. He’s an arrogant ass and she’s acting just like him. The way she’s acting is completely out of character for her.” Marcia said in a soft hurt voice.

  “Let’s sit down and have a beer, Marcia.” Kid said softly.

  “I wish you would call me Mum. I told you over and over that’s who I want to be to you. But, I will give you some time to get used to me.” She grinned as she led them to the table.

  The minute Kid got close to the table his eyes narrowed. He could swear he had seen this bastard before, but where? Or did he just look like someone he had seen before? Both Spider and Buzz had their phones out and were ostensibly taking pictures of the view but he knew they had taken a few of the man at the table and sent them to Ziggy.

  When they sat down he made sure Marcia had Spider on one side of her and Scar on the other. He didn’t want the boyfriend sitting close to her. War gave him a head tilt in question and he let his eyes slide to the boyfriend who sat with his legs crossed, an ankle resting on the opposite knee. He was dressed in a blue and white striped dress shirt and grey slacks. Who the fuck wore slacks to a casual dinner with bikers? His light blonde hair was short and perfectly styled. He was wearing a pair of those stupid leather loafers rich guys loved to wear and no socks. Everything about him shouted money. From his very expensive gold watch to the gold signet rings he wore on either pinky to the heavy gold chain around his neck with a medallion hanging from it. And not forgetting the Mercedes sports car parked outside. The bastard had a lot of money or his parents had a lot of money.